William F. Pasman - William T. Livingston

domingo, 14 de noviembre de 2010

origen del apellido Passmann, Paßmann, Passman, Pasman

 Mr. Kay Passmann procedente de la colonia Alemana escribe en un foro de genealogia sobre el origen del apellido Pasman. Su abuelo le decia que el nombre provenia de Holanda donde el nombre de la familia era van der Pasman, titulado Baron hace unos 700 años. Debajo el mensaje original.

Hey I`m Mr. Kay Passmann from Germany Cologne. The most people with the name Passmann or Paßmann lives in Germany in the state Nordrhein Westfalen and in Dutch near Germany. My Grandpa told me that this name come from dutch. He told me that there was a
family her name was "van der Pasman" and this was a baron since 700 years ago.
So that must be the beginning of the name
Passmann, Paßmann, Passman, Pasman !

Regards Kay from Cologne

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